Saturday, May 26, 2012


Saturday, May 26. 2012
Scripture Reading--John 7:37-39

I don’t know what saps life from you, but I’ve discovered it can be almost anything.  Losing a job, enduring a serious illness, disillusionment with the way your life has turned out, concern over a child, financial pressure, discouragement over the injustice and suffering in our city, or just too many things to juggle—we’ve all been there.  The Bible has a number of ways of describing those lifeless, listless places.  They are like a desert, a wilderness, walking in darkness, travelling through a shadow-filled valley.  Or they are like having a hunger nothing seems to quench or a thirst nothing seems to slake.  To people not so different from us, Jesus stood up at the temple in Jerusalem during one of the three main religious celebrations for Jews, the Feast of Booths, and cried out to any who would hear him, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink.  As the Scripture says, ‘Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.’”  John goes on to say Jesus was talking about the Spirit’s ability to satisfy our deepest longings, to make God’s gracious and powerful presence real, regardless of our outward circumstances.  Of all things in life worth having, that living water has to be the most precious!

Thought for the day:  When we feel empty, confused, or disillusioned, Jesus offers us something that will truly satisfy.

Prayer:  O God, help me to experience the satisfaction that knowing, loving, and following Christ can bring.  Amen. 

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