Wednesday, July 18
Reading—Luke 7:31-35
Life often disappoints us because we have
the wrong expectations. Couples often
enter marriages with false expectations.
He’ll mow the grass—she’ll do the cooking. Each will make the other indescribably
happy! Or we start out on a vocational
path that we think is a perfect match for our talents, desires, and abilities. We love it for awhile, but soon we see that
no job is perfect. No work is without
difficult days spent sometimes with difficult people. If you’ve lived very long at all, you know
that things don’t always turn out as you’d hoped. John the Baptist and Jesus were very
different. John proclaimed a stern
message of repentance. Jesus brought
good news to the poor. But they shared
something in common. Both of them were
rejected by their own people, people they loved dearly. It’s easy to attribute their rejection to arrogance. But at the heart of their struggle to win
followers to their respective messages was the fact that neither of them fit
into people’s expectations of how God operated in the world—or at least how
they wanted God to operate in the world.
They wanted deliverance from Roman occupation. John called people to prepare for a coming
kingdom by turning from sin and turning to God.
They wanted a powerful Messiah who would overthrow the Roman
Empire. Jesus couldn’t even eat with the
right people. He ate and drank with
those despised agents of the Empire—tax collectors and various other
sinners. The God offered by John and
Jesus just didn’t match up to people’s expectations, so they missed out on
discovering in new, life-giving ways God’s gracious love and mercy. How often do we miss out on God’s presence in
our world and in our lives because we’re looking for the wrong thing in the
wrong place?
Thought for the day: We often miss out on encountering God’s
presence and grace because we have the wrong expectations about how, where,
when, and through whom God is to be discovered.
O God, help me to be open and flexible in my thinking about you so that
I might encounter your presence in unexpected ways, in unexpected places, and
through unexpected people. Amen.
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